Friday, January 16, 2015

Oooh, baby, baby ....Baby, baby ... Oooh, baby, baby ...

Afternoon Logophiles....
Enjoyed a chat today with a bestie about our serious issues
 with swearing and not even being aware that we are.
Even caught myself out in basic conversations with the girl 
at the supermarket. 

There is speculation that swearing indicates a 
limited vocabulary but I say that's utter bollocks....

Is it really a problem though? I think swear or cuss words are far more
main stream than ever before. 
Probably even in the Scrabble dictionary... or maybe that's 
just what i remember from playing rude scrabble.   

Maybe it's just best not to be friends
with folk who don't cuss.... problem sorted :3

Anyhow, feeling like a swearing freak today made me
think of Gordon - of course. 

I dedicate this to post to Inga - thanks for never being surprised by the 
absolute shite that comes outta my mouth :3

Love you long time

xxx MP

If you are unable to see any video contained in this post please click onto the blue LOGOPHILE link at the bottom of the page to be taken to the blogsite.


Anonymous said... it!!!
All of our convos are pondering the importance of our creations- most of which are fucking hilarious.
Seriously, it's the gold mine of :3 that has brought us closer than ever imagined....:3 on I say, and fuck the rest

Love you long time Inga xxx

Munkipants said...

Fucking aye babycakes! xxx