Sunday, November 20, 2011


Do you really think they could be that much fun? 

I'm totally up for trying new things but i'm thinking this one
 may be just a little too close to real pain ....

and why are the clamped women 
mostly taped across the mouth in the 

That makes me kinda nervous.
"Relax the FUCK up", maybe? Who knows....

I totally get this one cos i always think of jumper cables
 when i first glance at the clamps.

I think i need to ponder this one a little longer.
If i decide to take the leap i'll be sure to share 
all the details with you, my beloved Logophiles. 

If you've given them a go, do tell ... 
nothing as helpful as first hand experience.

Love you long time,
mp xxx

1 comment:

Gregoryno6 said...

A male hairdresser talks to Julia about nipple clamps... wouldn't be Ranga Monsterarse and the First Bloke, by any chance?