Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spank Me!

Ooooooh, how i so love a recurring theme!

This is a gift from G6,
who is the Logophile, bravest enough from the 400 or so peeps 
that view this blog daily, to make public comments!

Check out his fabulous work over here.

Mmmmm, spanking...... it's appeal is growing daily .....

xxx mp


Gregoryno6 said...

You've put the labels in their correct order too!

And you get 400 views a day? FFS. I have at least posed nude for the internet - are you saving that for the day when you drop to single figures?

Munkipants said...

Morning lovely G6 - yep it's gone crazeeeee over here and we are up over the 400 scoping mark daily now.

I thought about the nudie pose but it doesn't sit well with my deeply held religious beliefs :)

The Church of the Almighty Shagfest - you want to become a founding member?

xxxx mp

Gregoryno6 said...

Definitely interested.
I want make a comment about holey communion... no. I will not be tempted.

Munkipants said...

Thanks for always making me smile G6 :)Holey communion - gold!