Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is orgasm?

Orgasm is a state where your body is no longer felt as matter; it vibrates like energy, electricity.
It vibrates so deeply, from the very foundation, that you completely forget that it is a material thing. 
It becomes an electric phenomenon.

Now physicists say that there is no matter, that all matter is only appearance; deep down,

that which exists is electricity, not matter.

In orgasm, you come to this deepest layer of your body where matter no longer exists, 

just energy waves; you become a dancing energy, vibrating. 

There are no longer any boundaries to you - pulsating, but no longer substantial.

And your beloved also pulsates. ~ Osho


Gregoryno6 said...

Munkipants said...

"They'll all get buggered, just you wait!"

Lordy - that is Absolutely OUTSTANDING!

What a fabulous birthday gift - thankyou G6 xxx