Fabulous day yesterday.
I discovered i can survive 24 hours without the internet.
I also discovered that every fucker on earth
wants to bug you by mobile,
wants to bug you by mobile,
(that doesn't include you Nols)
so i'm thinking of jugging the phone into the sea next time i'm there.
I say take back the power people!
Yesterdays pic of the dreaded phone call received the popular vote.
It's Logophile regular, The Swinger's birthday today:
Happy Birthday my lovely friend.
I got you a little something special :)
It's Logophile regular, The Swinger's birthday today:
Happy Birthday my lovely friend.
I got you a little something special :)
Have a fantastic day everyone
and feel free to send rude birthday wishes with depraved links
for The Swinger in the comments section - he loves it!
and feel free to send rude birthday wishes with depraved links
for The Swinger in the comments section - he loves it!
MP x
Since you asked:
That is a beautiful thing especially because it mentions cake. very birthday oriented.
"Because no important, life-changing occasion is too kinky for a lip-smacking, ass-spanking baked masterpiece."
here's a few bday links for you swinger:)
i especially know you will like this one:
and this is extra delicious:
How is Byron Bay these days? I haven't been there since 1987.
Remember last week when we were talking about cunts behind the wheel?
It is a bit busier but still funky - a great organic doughnut shop to be had and the beach - beautiful. That view from the Lighthouse - something else. You can imagine yourself flying off to anywhere when you look across the sea.
I love that link - outstanding! I especially like the bit where she was tidying the lady garden for a date while she was driving with her ex-husband. The lives some people lead - very Bold and the Beautiful minus the beauty:)
The company's computer cops can take away my porn, but they can't take away my Google News!
Damn those porn police! what do they expect you to do? concentrate on work or something?
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