Monday, March 9, 2009

Word of the Week - Beginning 8 March 2009

After a recent journey back to my birth place and the opportunity to spend quality (?) uninterrupted time with several of my closest friends, I returned home somewhat accosted by the vulgarity of language I was exposed to during some very deep and meaningful conversations.

This was of course a truly positive experience on my behalf.

After much consideration, I realised that my whole working life is an immersion of language. All week I write copy, letters and emails, develop and update course notes, reinvigorate web pages, spend countless hours chatting to people face toface and over the phone and refine my pidoomas. ....... it is never ending but so enjoyable.

So I have finally accepted that perhaps my truest passion after shagging is actually words.They convey so many meanings on so many levels to so many people.

* My favourites are the ones that have no true significance in everyday conversation.
* They are the ones that make you laugh or squirm. They don't have to be the smartest.
* They make you wonder who the hell would have thought of that!
* And mostly they challenge you as you consider which entirely inappropriate situation may present itself for you to showcase your mastery of said word.

So as an early birthday present (remember this date: april 4th ) to myself, I decided to initiate The Word of the Week club. Each week I will bring to you a new word that brings joy to all who bask in it's glory. Some may be crass, some may bring a tear to your eye………

Here's what I would love in return from you:

  1. You can vote yea or neigh on your love for the word.
  2. You can counter the word with an equally magnificent one. It may become the next weeks offering!
  3. You can win a prize for sharing how you manage to slip the word into a conversation in the most masterful way. I will award something special to you if you have a great story.
  4. Or you can do absolutely nothing and simply enjoy.

It's fun, it's mentally stimulating and it may just see us all through the rest of the long, long year ahead.

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