Vertical smile A vertical smile is another word for vagina. If a closed smile is turned 90 degrees it resembles a vagina, giving you the term vertical smile.
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Hmmmm..... that's what that link tells me G6 - and i just love it when i am forbidden to do something - gives it that little edge that helps push it over the line, don't you think? xxx mp
More like a vertical yawn than a smile.
Why am I reminded of Derek and Clive's skit about Joan Crawford?
Are you saying you find vagina's boring G6?
Never been bored by a vagina in my life! No, I was thinking more about the size of the portal, so to speak.
This may help explain.
"Fucking fleets of ships, light aircraft, hamburger stands with no hamburgers......" - G6, you are the gift that just keeps giving aren't you xxx mp
You don't have permission to access /derekandclive/joan_crawford.htm.jpg on this server.
Hmmmm..... that's what that link tells me G6 - and i just love it when i am forbidden to do something - gives it that little edge that helps push it over the line, don't you think? xxx mp
Try the old copy and paste...
a brilliantly handy reference tool - thanks G6 - you totally "rock" btw xxx mp
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