I had been living under the illusion that the average knob size
was 7+ inches.
It all came crashing down last month when a friend
(she's a scientist) advised me that in fact 5 /6 inches was the average.
That left me with the feeling that something was missing........ like i'd lost
something really important but couldn't quite identify what it was.
So of course i had to confirm this rather drastic news for myself. She was
right on the money. The chart below very clearly backs up her point.
She suggested that i had been very fortunate and I certainly have compared to her experiences but that's a whole other post. At least I now understand all the make-your-lovestick bigger spam emails.
Anyhow, i have attached my favourite song from the 90's.
Warning - definitely not suitable for work especially if you work in an adult
toy shop - i'm sure there's enough peeps there with complexes already.
May you be blessed with an average or above rubbing stick or at least
be able to convince whoever you're with that that's what 7 inches
looks like :)
love you long time
xxx mp
She didn't get out her ruler, but I will remember the words of one lady until my dying day.
She belonged to a certain profession, and this may have influenced her thinking... nevertheless! After we'd done the business she asked if I was married, and got rather angry when I said I was a career single.
"You should have wife!" she said. "You would make her very happy..."
Ooooooohh lah lah - G6 - you just keep on adding to my list of reasons to view you very, very favourably :) xx mp
Indeed, I enjoy many blessings which others do not share.
"To change the year, please send me a detailed description of your situation which I can post on my blog."
You sir are the master :) xxx mp
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